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Closed due to the weather

  • Elite Karate Studios, LLC 410 Bay Street Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Usa (map)

Chippewa Fall schools have closed due to the weather so there will not be any karate classes tonight (Thursday, December 22nd). Please stay safe everyone!!

Kids we have a challenge for you!! We want you to find at least two things that you can do for mom or dad! Maybe it is do the dishes, vacuum the house, pick up your room! Lots of options!! We want you to remember this very important sentence .... Ask not what your mother can do for you, ask what you can do for your mother! 🙂

Post a comment or picture on our Faceboook page of what you did and we will pick the best one. The winner will win a prize!!

December 20

Belt Test — All Classes Canceled

December 26

Christmas — All Classes Canceled